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Dr. Lucas Njoroge was appointed the Director of the COMESA Monetary Institute on 1st October 2022, prior to which he was the Senior Economist of the Institute for 9 years. Previously, he worked as a Manager, External and Fiscal Sector Analysis Division, Research Department, Central Bank of Kenya. Before joining the Bank, He taught Economics for 8 years at the University of Nairobi and at Moi University, which are both State Universities in Kenya. Lucas Holds a PhD in Economics with research interest in the fields of international finance, monetary economics and econometrics among others. Over time, Lucas has been involved in some important key assignment including:

  • Producing the first COMESA wide Financial Stability Reports in 2021 and the subsequent report for 2022;
  • Coming up with the revised COMESA Financial Stability Assessment Framework and the New COMESA Macroeconomic Convergence Criteria.
  • Being a member of the High-Level Task Force (HLTF) that negotiated the East African Monetary Union Protocol (EAMU). As part of the lead technical experts’ team, Lucas provided inputs on Monetary and Macroeconomic issues during the negotiations for the Kenyan Team; and,
  • Being an External Reviewer for the African Statistical Journal, of the African Development Bank Group.

He has published several articles in peer reviewed journals  such as in the Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, Journal of Applied Finance and Banking, American Journal of Trade and Policy, Savings and Development and Journal of Financial Economic Policy, among others.

He has contributed to a number of  special policy papers. Some of his recently published special policy papers, include, among others;

  1. Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Central Banking: Implications for COMESA Member Central Banks, COMESA Special Report, March 2024
  2. Monetary Tightening Cycle and it’s Implication on the Economies of the COMESA Region, COMESA Special Report, November 2023.